The second day of the raid offered perfect F18 conditions. 15 knots of wind with gusts of 20 all day, mainly from the W-SW. Since the fleet was heading NE it ment lots of long gennaker runs, again.
The standing in the top is that the top 4 teams are the same as yesterday. Karlsson/Nordblom in the lead, but on the same point (103) as the Noordzijs. Then Nieminen/Backes on on 93 points and Linder/Brunnberg on 88 points.

Demesmaeker / Gagliani have been sending it with one 2nd and one bullet and are advancing quickly in the scoring.
Today the fleet turn back south and the wind changes from SW to NW to N 10 to 15 knots of wind. It means that there will again be mainly downwind to the next base camp Lökholmen.