After three days of downwind Dahl and Fischer (SWE) had a small lead before Karlsson Nordblom (SWE), Paschalidis Pirinoli (GRE) and Demesmaeker Thery (BEL). The fourth day offered mainly upwind followed by a long reach to the finish line in Saltsjöbaden. Demesmaeker / Thery looked like they where going to win the last leg, but where overtaken in the last minutes by both Paschalidis Pirinoli and Karlsson Nordblom securing 2nd and 1st positions. In doing so Karlsson Nordblom is also the first team who wins the raid 2 times and Nordblom the first sailor to win the raid 3 times. For a full list of winners, see the F18 hall of fame.
In the mixed class the Danish team Jensen Wyon managed not only to avoid all rocks but also to sail fast and win the mixed class in their first attempt at the raid, well done!

After 3 windy days and one softer, but many hours on the water, there was a happy and tired crowd that started to pack their boats on the trailers for a long drive back home. We hope to see you all back next year!